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Experiencing A Vibrational Shift

We hear the term Vibrational Shift, and many of you have questions. What is a vibrational shift? Does it hurt? How can it affect me?

A vibrational shift simply means, you are undergoing a spiritual awakening.

There are many out there who are experiencing a major shift in our consciousness as we undergo our spiritual awakening. This is a journey to find your true purpose and realize all of the possibilities and potential you have as a spiritual being.

Everyone’s journey is uniquely their own, and no one can or should tell you what your destiny is. Guidance will help, but the journey cannot be done for you.

For centuries, we have lived in a fear based, unconscious reality. We are finding that with more exposure to new places, people, and things, we are changing that reality to an ever growing, loving, compassionate, conscious reality. Others before you have felt just as you might. There is a wonder of “where do I fit in?” You are a part of this master shift, because you have Divine, ever-present connection to the universe. The shift in your consciousness allows the lower vibrations and heavy energies of Earth, to fall and dissipate, revealing a beautiful, high vibrational being and new reality, ahead.

If the following ideas resonate with you, it may be that you are experiencing a vibrational shift.

The Urge to Explore Individuality: You may desire to detach from former belief systems and start seeking other philosophies that resonate with who you are now becoming. You may feel isolated from others, and even lonely at times, as your friends and family may notice changes in you. They may think you are crazy or unconventional but your values are in complete contrast of the typical norm. You may be feeling a pull to walk a new path, away from the ideals you once held. Giving Up Harmful Habits. You cannot change for the better if you are hanging on to old habits. You are giving up harmful or unnecessary habits that no longer suit you or your body. Living a cleaner life, eating healthy, staying clear of substance abuse and toxic people. To help you raise your vibration, realize you only need to let go of things that are weighing you down. It is extremely draining energetically on a person being around toxic family members and friends (those who are constantly negative), junk foods, alcohol, drugs, too much technology (power down to clear your thoughts and moods), and abusive relationships.

Heavy Emotions Come From Within: Spiritual awakening is not an overnight switch where you feel lighter automatically. All of those heavy, negative emotions need to be worked through so you can let them go as they no longer serve your well being. So, during your shift, you may have fluctuations in your current emotions and have past emotions come about that you’ve not thought of consciously for years. It is important to face your past so you can resolve and come to terms with those emotions before you can move forward.

The World Around You No Longer Makes Sense: Everyday normal tasks such as going to the bank, or other errands seem mundane and meaningless. You may start to become uninterested in material things, and doing things that are more frivolous that others do normally, such as going out to eat or shopping. You may be finding more joy and completeness around things that are more natural that come from your own creativity.

Career Change Is Desired: This is a huge part of your transformational shift. As your vibration lifts, there may be a longing to find things that may be more fulfilling to your true purpose. Look around you, notice there are more Holistic and “New Age” businesses popping up. People are looking to help others and they become life coaches, Reiki Masters, and other healers. You may feel you just can’t stand another moment in your chosen profession and you need to shed the heaviness of that career.

Compassion For All Beings Has Strengthened: You may be feeling a much stronger pull to all of Earth’s beings. It may physically make you ill to hear of animal torture, pollution, or the sound of another in pain. You may have a desire to “fix” everything and want to heal others in need. A deeper love for others and empathy as you learn to love yourself more, is growing stronger every day.

One May Be Spending Time Alone: By now, you are likely ultra sensitive to others energies, and being around them may drain your own. If you find yourself going off on your own, it's perfectly normal. It's all part of tuning in and getting to know your higher self.

Understanding Your Influence Of Reality: It may happen very suddenly. You realized that you unconsciously created all of your experience up until this point. Now you understand, you create your reality and can bring about experiences you choose. You no longer need to be the victim. You are in control, can change your view and take responsibility, for your thoughts emotions and actions that created those experiences.

Experiencing Synchronicities: It may seem like coincidences, seeing repetitive numbers, But these are synchronicities. Frequently, numbers such as 11:11, or 2:22 etc, are seen on receipts, license tags, clocks, and they are your Spirit guides and angel’s way of communicating, you are on the correct path. You will see a lot more synchronicities in everyday events, in a variety of new ways, as you grow.

Giving Rather Than Receiving Becomes The Focus: We all know this earth needs a lot more love to go around. As we find ways to use our gifts, the energy spreads like crazy from us!You feel the need to change your style and give everything to a charity, or you might volunteer your services to help others. Some may feel the need to be a minimalist and it’s possible that may serve you better in the long run. Getting rid of the clutter in your life both internal and outward, helps to raise your vibration and feel much lighter.

Living In The Present: Living in the present, the realization may come, that you can create your future in the present. You no longer have to wait for your future to just happen to you. Seeking various meditations and other ways to bring yourself into the present, will benefit you greatly through your spiritual journey.

I hope this journey you are on will be fulfilling and you continue to search for answers while growing. Realize, you are not alone. There are others just like you, experiencing the same things you have been.

In Love and Light,



“The search for knowledge is a thirst that should never be quenched. There is always something to learn and an area still unknown.”

Patricia Angelina

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