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Do You Hear That?

Did you know you can clear your mind in under 5 minutes? Are you aware that you’ve been doing it for your whole life, and didn’t even realize it?

Let’s try an exercise......Pretend you are in a crowded room, say at a party. There is music, and lights, people chattering, glasses clinking and all of a sudden, you think you hear something that doesn’t go with the rest of the scene. So, you suddenly stop and you ask your friend, “Do you hear that?”

What your friend does, is tune everything else out, so they can hear what YOU heard. They quiet their mind, even if it’s only for a brief moment. They don’t hear the music, the chatter, the glasses clinking. They are tuned into what YOU heard.

While we talk about meditation, and it does have great benefits, it is not always convenient to do it in certain places. However, you CAN ask yourself, “Do you hear that?” and tune everything out around you.

This is a great trick to do, just to quickly clear your thoughts and the noise around, when you need a quick moment. It’s also a way to train your brain to prepare for connecting with Spirit.

If you notice, there are times you may see a shadow, or sparkles, or even a quick glimpse of a silhouette out of the corner of your eye. But the moment you focus, it’s gone. That is because your mind is quieted when you see it. If you hear a voice, or someone talking who isn’t there, usually, when you wake or just as you are drifting off, it is because your thoughts are clear and it’s easiest to get messages to you at those times, when your thoughts are quiet.

So, next time you are preparing to do a reading, or are struggling to

quiet your mind and can’t, ask yourself, “Do you hear that?”.

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